Category: water professionals
WEBINAR: DBPs – Monitoring, treatment and regulation
On 25 March 2024, 15:00 – 16:30 (CET), H2Oforall and SafeCREW are hosting their second joint webinar on disinfection by products to which we would like to invite you. Three speakers will talk about “DBPs – Monitoring, treatment and regulation“. This webinar will broaden the view beyond Europe and offer insights into regulation of DBPs…
WaBoLu-Water Hygiene Days
The 32nd Water Hygiene Days took place in Bad Elster on 07 – 09 February 2024. The event was organised by the association WaBoLu (Verein für Wasser-, Boden- und Lufthygiene e.V.) and the Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt). An exchange between science and expert audience like water utilities, laboratories, companies and local health authorities shall be…
Dutch Advisory Group on Water Quality visits Politecnico di Milano
Even though the visit of the Dutch advisory group on water quality to the Politecnico di Milano Dutch group took place some time ago, we would still like to share some impressions. This advisory group consisted of representatives (managers, advisors and directors) from all 10 drinking water suppliers, 4 drinking water laboratories, the River Water…
Multisensor Systems Distributor Conference in Manchester
Even though its a few days ago we would like to report on a conference in October last year at which SafeCrew was presented by our partner Multisensor Systems Ltd.On the 16th and 17th of October, a conference was held at the prestigious Bridgewater Hall in Manchester with more than 40 Multisensor distribution partners. Multisensor…
27th Drinking Water Colloquium of the DVGW Research Centre TUHH
Under the heading “Research and practice in drinking water supply” the DVGW Research Centre TUHH invites to its 27th Drinking Water Colloquium at the TU Hamburg on 15th February 2024. Both TUHH-internal and external speakers will provide a broad and varied programme of lectures with a focus on innovative drinking water treatment and water quality…
First ZeroPollution4Water Webinar conducted
“All about DBP (disinfection byproducts)” has been the title of the first ZeroPollution4Water Cluster Webinar which took place on 30 November 2023. H2OforAll and SafeCREW have been the organisers of the webinar which attracted about 90 participants. The participants had the chance to learn about the projects and their contributions to our future and drinking…
SafeCrew at the Geofluid in Piacenza
On 13th September Fabio Marelli (Director of Aqueduct and Sewerage of MMspa), Sara Rizzo (Engineer for the environment and the territory MM) and Luca Alberti (Professor at the Politecnico di Milano ) were invited to Geofluid 2023 in Piacenza. They had the opportunity to participate in the convention with a speech entitled “Sustainable and resilient…
Teaching teachers about SafeCREW research
The fourth Teacher’s Science Club took place on 12 September in Hamburg. It offers the exclusive opportunity for STEM teachers to inform themselves about current research. One of the presenters was Anissa Grieb, coordinator of SafeCREW. She gave a talk about current topics in the water sector including SafeCREW project aims. Anissa GriebFoto credits: “Körber-Stiftung/Jann…
Field work at the waterworks in Berlin has started
Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin (KWB), in cooperation with Berliner Wasserbetriebe, has started their field work at the waterworks. The waterworks in Berlin are part of SafeCREW Case Study 1, which represents near-natural non-disinfected drinking water supply. The two largest cities in Germany, Berlin and Hamburg, have water treatment chains and drinking water distribution networks without disinfection,…