Climate-resilient management
for safe disinfected and non-disinfected
water supply systems

SafeCREW project meeting in Tarragona

Today, 21 March 2024, and tomorrow we will meet for the fourth time since the SafeCREW project has started in November 2022. This time, our partners Consorci d’Aigües de Tarragona (CAT) and EURECAT offer us their hospitality. This first day we will spend in the premises of CAT in Ampolla, the second day we will be the guests of EURECAT in Barcelona.

We will discuss progress on the new analytical tools for natural organic matter determination and disinfection by-products, e.g. for the improvement of THM sensors. Progress on improved understanding of treatment processes and the development of innovative technologies and treatment strategies will be the focus of this spring meeting.

Highlight of our project meeting will be the visit of CAT’s Water Treatment Plant, as this is one of the three SafeCREW case studies, with its 400 km distribution network in Tarragona.

Pumping station at the Tarragona Water Consortium’s ETAP in l’Ampolla. Copyright: CAT
The photo shows the project members sitting in a U-shape following a presentation
(Photo: M. Remmert-Rieper/TUTECH)
Lively discussions at the evening reception (Photo: M. Remmert-Rieper/TUTECH)

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