Climate-resilient management
for safe disinfected and non-disinfected
water supply systems

Category: utilities

  • Proud to present: The ZeroPollution4Water Cluster at Water Projects Europe 2023

    Proud to present: The ZeroPollution4Water Cluster at Water Projects Europe 2023

    The ZeroPollution4Water Cluster will have its first public presentation on 19th October 2023 at Water Projects Europe 2023 in Brussels. SafeCREW and six sister projects, all fundedy by Horizon Europe under the ZeroPollution Call in 2022, have joined forces to reach out to more water professionals, policy makers and regulators and to increase the uptake…

  • SafeCrew at the Geofluid in Piacenza

    SafeCrew at the Geofluid in Piacenza

    On 13th September Fabio Marelli (Director of Aqueduct and Sewerage of MMspa), Sara Rizzo (Engineer for the environment and the territory MM) and Luca Alberti (Professor at the Politecnico di Milano ) were invited to Geofluid 2023 in Piacenza. They had the opportunity to participate in the convention with a speech entitled “Sustainable and resilient…

  • Teaching teachers about SafeCREW research

    Teaching teachers about SafeCREW research

    The fourth Teacher’s Science Club took place on 12 September in Hamburg. It offers the exclusive opportunity for STEM teachers to inform themselves about current research. One of the presenters was Anissa Grieb, coordinator of SafeCREW. She gave a talk about current topics in the water sector including SafeCREW project aims. Anissa GriebFoto credits: “Körber-Stiftung/Jann…

  • Field work at the waterworks in Berlin has started

    Field work at the waterworks in Berlin has started

    Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin (KWB), in cooperation with Berliner Wasserbetriebe, has started their field work at the waterworks. The waterworks in Berlin are part of SafeCREW Case Study 1, which represents near-natural non-disinfected drinking water supply. The two largest cities in Germany, Berlin and Hamburg, have water treatment chains and drinking water distribution networks without disinfection,…

  • Second IWA Digital Water Summit in November 23 in Bilbao

    Second IWA Digital Water Summit in November 23 in Bilbao

    The IWA Digital Water Summit centres around the digitalisation for the global water sector. Building on its first edition in 2022, the IWA Digital Water Summit returns to Bilbao, Spain on 14-16 November 2023. The event brings together industry experts, technology companies, utilities, and researchers in digital water to address current and future challenges in the water sector. The Digital…

  • Visit of ver.di Federal Specialist Group Water Sector at DVGW research centre at TUHH

    Visit of ver.di Federal Specialist Group Water Sector at DVGW research centre at TUHH

    As part of their annual Water Management Seminar, the ver.di Federal Specialist Group Water Sector took the opportunity to visit the SafeCREW team at DVGW research centre at TUHH on 6 July 2023. The SafeCREW research fits well to this year’s programme “Future of drinking water supply and wastewater treatment despite shortage of skilled workers…

  • SafeCREW meeting at POLIMI

    SafeCREW meeting at POLIMI

    On 11 and 12 May 2023 the second project meeting of SafeCREW took place in Milan. On the first evening, the team was hosted by our partner MM in the Water Museum Milan and learned about the start of waterworks in Italy. The second day we were hosted by POLIMI. We looked at the achievements…

  • Eurecat presents its role in SafeCREW in Catalan and Spanish

    Eurecat presents its role in SafeCREW in Catalan and Spanish

    SafeCREW partner Eurecat is the main Research & Technology Organisation in Catalonia and the second largest private research organisation in southern Europe. It brings together the experience of more than 650 professionals who generate an annual turnover of 52 million euros and provides services to more than 2,000 companies. Eurecat works on SafeCREW through its…

  • Kickoff meeting of SafeCREW concluded

    Kickoff meeting of SafeCREW concluded

    The safe and affordable supply of drinking water in the EU under the pressure of climate change is a key priority. The European joint project SafeCREW, led by the DVGW Research Centre at Hamburg University of Technology, will address this key priority over the next three and a half years. SafeCREW will develop new methods…

  • SafeCREW – Safeguarding drinking water supply systems under climate change conditions

    SafeCREW – Safeguarding drinking water supply systems under climate change conditions

    The DVGW research center at TUHH is coordinating the EU project SafeCREW since 1 November 2022. Partners from five countries will research on climate-resilient management for safe disinfected and non-disinfected water supply systems. They will close knowledge gaps on disinfection by-products and develop guidelines for the monitoring and management of drinking water supply. SafeCREW is…