Tag: ZeroPollution4Water Cluster
WEBINAR: Preparing drinking water supply systems for climate change – case study insights
On 3 April 2025 15:00 – 16:30 (CET), H2Oforall and SafeCREW are hosting their fifth joint webinar to which we would like to invite you. We will focus on ‘Preparing drinking water supply systems for climate change – case study insights‘. The webinar will provide preliminary results of four case studies located in Portugal, Spain,…
SafeCREW research on DBP at Winter School 2024 in Porto
The Winter School on Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs) and Disinfection By-Products (DBPs) 2024 brought together 250 researchers, professionals, and students to explore the latest advancements in understanding and managing contaminants and by-products in water treatment processes. As part of the event, Jon Wullenweber (DVGW-TUHH) together with Mattia Stefanoni (POLIMI) presented a poster on Natural…
Public Debate and raising awareness on DBPs
Join our EU Green Week Event on 11 June 2024 online! Last minute registration still possible: The Public Debate “Guidance on measures, policy and public engagement: Everything you wanted to know about DBPs” invites citizens to learn and discuss about challenges to drinking water quality. The partner event of the EU Green Week is organised…
WEBINAR: Precursors of disinfection by-products
On 4 June 2024, 14:00 – 15:30 (CEST), H2Oforall and SafeCREW are hosting their third joint webinar on disinfection by products to which we would like to invite you. This time we will focus on Natural Organic Matter (NOM) as “Precursors of disinfection by-products“. Our guest speaker Jean-Philippe Croue, professor in Environmental Engineering at Université…
First ZeroPollution4Water Webinar conducted
“All about DBP (disinfection byproducts)” has been the title of the first ZeroPollution4Water Cluster Webinar which took place on 30 November 2023. H2OforAll and SafeCREW have been the organisers of the webinar which attracted about 90 participants. The participants had the chance to learn about the projects and their contributions to our future and drinking…
Proud to present: The ZeroPollution4Water Cluster at Water Projects Europe 2023
The ZeroPollution4Water Cluster will have its first public presentation on 19th October 2023 at Water Projects Europe 2023 in Brussels. SafeCREW and six sister projects, all fundedy by Horizon Europe under the ZeroPollution Call in 2022, have joined forces to reach out to more water professionals, policy makers and regulators and to increase the uptake…