Climate-resilient management
for safe disinfected and non-disinfected
water supply systems

WEBINAR: Preparing drinking water supply systems for climate change – case study insights

On 3 April 2025 15:00 – 16:30 (CET), H2Oforall and SafeCREW are hosting their fifth joint webinar to which we would like to invite you. We will focus on ‘Preparing drinking water supply systems for climate change – case study insights‘.

The webinar will provide preliminary results of four case studies located in Portugal, Spain, Ukraine and Ireland. The main focus of all four case studies is the prevention of disinfection by-products (DBP) in the drinking water supply system under climate change conditions. H2OforAll will start with the strategic sensor placement for the identification of DBPs in Coimbra, followed by insights on the management of drinking water supply systems in Tarragona. SafeCREW’s partner NUWEE will talk about water quality monitoring in the Ukraine and Valerie McCarthy will give an overview of trihalomethane risk in Irish drinking water from one of the intoDBP case studies. The webinar will be moderated by Mathias Ernst, DVGW Research Centre at TUHH.

Register here


15:00 Welcome

15:05 – 15:25 Strategic sensor placement for the identification of disinfection
by-products from chlorinated drinking water
Aristotelis Magklis, CYENS (Centre of Excellence), Cyprus (H2OforAll)

15:25-15:45 Managing drinking water treatment to avoid DBP formation
Andreu Fargas, Consorci d’Aigües de Tarragona (SafeCREW)

15:45-16:00 Water quality monitoring in the Ukraine
Serhii Martynov, National University of Water and Environmental
Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine (SafeCREW)

16:00-16:15 An overview of trihalomethane risk in Irish drinking water from
peatland dominated catchments
Valerie McCarthy, Dublin City University, Ireland (intoDBP)

16:15 Q&A and conclusions

H2OforAll, intoDBP and SafeCREW are three of seven Horizon Europe projects which join forces in the ZeroPollution4Water Cluster with the aim to contribute to high water quality under climate change conditions. With 32 case studies, they develop and demonstrate advanced preventive and mitigating strategies and measures to protect drinking water sources, treatment and supply and to protect groundwater against harmful effects of global and climate change.

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