Climate-resilient management
for safe disinfected and non-disinfected
water supply systems

Tag: disinfection

  • WEBINAR: Preparing drinking water supply systems for climate change – case study insights

    WEBINAR: Preparing drinking water supply systems for climate change – case study insights

    On 3 April 2025 15:00 – 16:30 (CET), H2Oforall and SafeCREW are hosting their fifth joint webinar to which we would like to invite you. We will focus on ‘Preparing drinking water supply systems for climate change – case study insights‘. The webinar will provide preliminary results of four case studies located in Portugal, Spain,…

  • DVGW Water Treatment Forum

    DVGW Water Treatment Forum

    The annual “DVGW Water Treatment Forum” is a well-known event among water supply companies and attracts large numbers of visitors. In 2024, it took place on 26 September at the TZW Karlsruhe. The event was well attended with around 90 participants. This year’s programme was dominated by questions on disinfection and the biostability of drinking…

  • Invitation to survey on climate resilient water supply

    Invitation to survey on climate resilient water supply

    SafeCREW’s survey on practices in EU water utilities shall give us information about the present practices and needs of water utilities. We would like to gather insights about the current situation and expectations for the future of climate resilient drinking water management in water utilities. The results shall support SafeCREW in developing tools and guidelines…

  • New partner hops on

    New partner hops on

    SafeCrew welcomes the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (NUWEE) as a new partner. Nuwee, funded by the hop on facility of the European Commission, has been another partner in our project since 1 May. Nuwee will be contributing to the project with another case study ‘Drinking water supply systems with disinfection in Eastern…

  • 27th Drinking Water Colloquium at TUHH

    27th Drinking Water Colloquium at TUHH

    On 15th February, the DVGW Research Centre TUHH hosted its 27th Drinking Water Colloquium at Hamburg University of Technology on 15th February 2024. Titled “Research and practice in drinking water supply” the event featured a diverse range of lectures by both internal and external speakers, focusing on innovative drinking water treatment and water quality topics.#SafeCREW…

  • Dutch Advisory Group on Water Quality visits Politecnico di Milano

    Dutch Advisory Group on Water Quality visits Politecnico di Milano

    Even though the visit of the Dutch advisory group on water quality to the Politecnico di Milano Dutch group took place some time ago, we would still like to share some impressions. This advisory group consisted of representatives (managers, advisors and directors) from all 10 drinking water suppliers, 4 drinking water laboratories, the River Water…

  • SafeCREW at the GRC on water disinfection, byproducts and health: Poster Award and Discussion Leader

    SafeCREW at the GRC on water disinfection, byproducts and health: Poster Award and Discussion Leader

    Our colleagues Maolida Nihemati (UFZ) and Beatrice Cantoni (POLIMI) presented their posters at the GRC Gordon Research Conference on water disinfection, byproducts and health. We congratulate Maolida to get the Poster Award as one of three winners. Maolida works on the challenge to identify polar disinfection-byproducts on drinking water; her poster is entitled “Revisiting disinfection…

  • Second IWA Digital Water Summit in November 23 in Bilbao

    Second IWA Digital Water Summit in November 23 in Bilbao

    The IWA Digital Water Summit centres around the digitalisation for the global water sector. Building on its first edition in 2022, the IWA Digital Water Summit returns to Bilbao, Spain on 14-16 November 2023. The event brings together industry experts, technology companies, utilities, and researchers in digital water to address current and future challenges in the water sector. The Digital…