Tag: UFZ
First ZeroPollution4Water Webinar conducted
“All about DBP (disinfection byproducts)” has been the title of the first ZeroPollution4Water Cluster Webinar which took place on 30 November 2023. H2OforAll and SafeCREW have been the organisers of the webinar which attracted about 90 participants. The participants had the chance to learn about the projects and their contributions to our future and drinking…
SafeCREW at the GRC on water disinfection, byproducts and health: Poster Award and Discussion Leader
Our colleagues Maolida Nihemati (UFZ) and Beatrice Cantoni (POLIMI) presented their posters at the GRC Gordon Research Conference on water disinfection, byproducts and health. We congratulate Maolida to get the Poster Award as one of three winners. Maolida works on the challenge to identify polar disinfection-byproducts on drinking water; her poster is entitled “Revisiting disinfection…