Category: general public
Public Debate and raising awareness on DBPs
Join our EU Green Week Event on 11 June 2024 online! Last minute registration still possible: The Public Debate “Guidance on measures, policy and public engagement: Everything you wanted to know about DBPs” invites citizens to learn and discuss about challenges to drinking water quality. The partner event of the EU Green Week is organised…
New partner hops on
SafeCrew welcomes the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (NUWEE) as a new partner. Nuwee, funded by the hop on facility of the European Commission, has been another partner in our project since 1 May. Nuwee will be contributing to the project with another case study ‘Drinking water supply systems with disinfection in Eastern…
SafeCREW partners visited DuPont Technological Center
SafeCREW partners visited DuPont Technological Center in Tarragona on the 20th of March, as an activity preceding the General Assembly. We had the opportunity to visit their research facilities and share knowledge about water treatment and climate change challenges.
SafeCrew joins the ICT4Water cluster
Since February this year, SafeCrew became a member of the ICT4Water cluster. The ICT4Water cluster is a hub for EU-funded research and innovation projects developing digital innovations for the water sector. Currently, over 60 projects are members of the cluster. Participation in the two clusters ZeroPollution4Water and ICT4Water supports SafeCrew in exchanging information and helps…
SafeCREW project meeting in Tarragona
Today, 21 March 2024, and tomorrow we will meet for the fourth time since the SafeCREW project has started in November 2022. This time, our partners Consorci d’Aigües de Tarragona (CAT) and EURECAT offer us their hospitality. This first day we will spend in the premises of CAT in Ampolla, the second day we will…
27th Drinking Water Colloquium at TUHH
On 15th February, the DVGW Research Centre TUHH hosted its 27th Drinking Water Colloquium at Hamburg University of Technology on 15th February 2024. Titled “Research and practice in drinking water supply” the event featured a diverse range of lectures by both internal and external speakers, focusing on innovative drinking water treatment and water quality topics.#SafeCREW…
Interview about SafeCREW
Concomitantly to the COP18 in Quatar, the local magazine Fink, written by students from HAW Hamburg, has released a series of articles about climate change. One of these articles is about the influence of climate change on drinking water. An interview was given by Anissa Grieb to inform about the SafeCREW project and water-related issues.…
kk23 Climate Congress at University Hamburg
On 21 September 2023, SafeCREW researcher Mathias Ernst talked about “Water resources and water supply in times of climate change” at the sixth Climate Congress at the University Hamburg. More than 650 high school students used the opportunity to exchange ideas with scientists and experts with the goal to understand climate change better and find…
Proud to present: The ZeroPollution4Water Cluster at Water Projects Europe 2023
The ZeroPollution4Water Cluster will have its first public presentation on 19th October 2023 at Water Projects Europe 2023 in Brussels. SafeCREW and six sister projects, all fundedy by Horizon Europe under the ZeroPollution Call in 2022, have joined forces to reach out to more water professionals, policy makers and regulators and to increase the uptake…