Climate-resilient management
for safe disinfected and non-disinfected
water supply systems

Resilience to climate change: how to guarantee the quality of drinking water

The event titled “Resilience against climate change: how we guarantee the quality of drinking water” was designed as a public results presentation of the SafeCREW project, including a Case Study site visit. Almost a hundred people from Catalan utilities, local government and municipalities, research centers, water associations and water related companies gathered for the event. The event explained the impact that climate change is bringing to the Ebro River as a water source to the Consorci d’Aigües de Tarragona.

After that, the solutions that are being developed in the SafeCrew project were explained. Modifications to the WTP, new THM sensors and THM modelling on DWDN were presented.

The event ended with a visit to the treatment plant where the changes to the process and the on-line sensors used for the modelling could be accessed.

The event finished with a networking lunch to help interchange ideas and feedback from the participants. Participants shared a lot of interest on the advances on DBP reduction and control, especially on reducing the values on the network and how that would have an impact on their utilities. They also were interested in the research of new DBPs and if they will be included on future legislation. Most representants of visiting utilities were interested in the CAT monitoring system that has been deployed thanks to SafeCREW project and the results coming from them: models, water treatment modifications…

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