Climate-resilient management
for safe disinfected and non-disinfected
water supply systems

Visit of ver.di Federal Specialist Group Water Sector at DVGW research centre at TUHH

Project leader Anisssa Grieb, DVGW-TUHH, presents the SafeCREW project to the ver.di Federal Specialist Group Water Sector on 6 July 2023 at the premise of Hamburg University of Technology.

As part of their annual Water Management Seminar, the ver.di Federal Specialist Group Water Sector took the opportunity to visit the SafeCREW team at DVGW research centre at TUHH on 6 July 2023. The SafeCREW research fits well to this year’s programme “Future of drinking water supply and wastewater treatment despite shortage of skilled workers and climate change” of the seminar.

The presentation of the SafeCREW objectives and approach by our project leader Dr Anissa Grieb was followed by an engaged discussion. The 30 representatives of the ver.di Federal Specialist Group Water Sector emphasized the importance of being prepared for rising temperatures in the drinking water distribution networks and shared their professional experience on current drinking water management approaches with the SafeCREW team. They highlighted the diversity of regional drinking water supply systems which will result in a variety of measures of adaptation to climate change.

Also, they asked for easily to understand guidelines on how to manage drinking water treatment under climate change conditions and offered their support as engaged sparring partners. Finally, a lab tour concluded the seminar.

SafeCREW is very grateful for this opportunity and will certainly engage with the ver.di Federal Specialist Group Water Sector during the course of the project.

Members of the ver.di Federal Specialist Group Water Sector at the presentation of SafeCREW on 6 July 2023 at the premise of Hamburg University of Technology.
ver.di Federal Specialist Group Water Sector acting as focus group to the SafeCREW approach. Copyright: M. Remmert-Rieper, Tutech Innovation GmbH

ver.di Federal Specialist Group Water Sector visiting the labs of DVGW research centre at TUHH. Copyright: M. Remmert-Rieper, Tutech Innovation GmbH
ver.di Federal Specialist Group Water Sector visiting the labs of DVGW research centre at TUHH. Copyright: M. Remmert-Rieper, Tutech Innovation GmbH
ver.di Federal Specialist Group Water Sector visiting the labs of DVGW research centre at TUHH. Copyright: M. Remmert-Rieper, Tutech Innovation GmbH
Anissa Grieb guides the ver.di Federal Specialist Group Water Sector through the labs of DVGW research centre at TUHH. Copyright: M. Remmert-Rieper, Tutech Innovation GmbH

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