Tag: climate change
Open Day at L’Ampolla Drinking Water Treatment Plant
SAVE THE DATE: SafeCREW partners Consorci d’Aigües de Tarragona and Eurecat are organising an Open Day on 7 March 2025 at L’Ampolla Drinking Water Treatment Plant in Tarragona, Catalonia. The Open Day will include a top level technical conference “Resilience to climate change: how to guarantee the quality of drinking water” and a visit to…
Watch our webinar “Drinking Water Systems Modelling and Digitalization”
On 3 December 2024, H2OforAll and SafecREW conducted their fourth common webinar, which has again been a great success. More than 60 participants listened to the four presentations on “Drinking Water Systems Modelling and Digitalization” and engaged in the disscussion. If you missed the opportunity or if you want to recap the webinar, the recording…
Invitation to survey on climate resilient water supply
SafeCREW’s survey on practices in EU water utilities shall give us information about the present practices and needs of water utilities. We would like to gather insights about the current situation and expectations for the future of climate resilient drinking water management in water utilities. The results shall support SafeCREW in developing tools and guidelines…
Public Debate and raising awareness on DBPs
Join our EU Green Week Event on 11 June 2024 online! Last minute registration still possible: The Public Debate “Guidance on measures, policy and public engagement: Everything you wanted to know about DBPs” invites citizens to learn and discuss about challenges to drinking water quality. The partner event of the EU Green Week is organised…
Invitation to survey on climate resilient water supply
SafeCREW’s survey on practices in EU water utilities shall give us information about the present practices and needs of water utilities. We would like to gather insights about the current situation and expectations for the future of climate resilient drinking water management in water utilities. The results shall support SafeCREW in developing tools and guidelines…
SafeCREW partners visited DuPont Technological Center
SafeCREW partners visited DuPont Technological Center in Tarragona on the 20th of March, as an activity preceding the General Assembly. We had the opportunity to visit their research facilities and share knowledge about water treatment and climate change challenges.
27th Drinking Water Colloquium at TUHH
On 15th February, the DVGW Research Centre TUHH hosted its 27th Drinking Water Colloquium at Hamburg University of Technology on 15th February 2024. Titled “Research and practice in drinking water supply” the event featured a diverse range of lectures by both internal and external speakers, focusing on innovative drinking water treatment and water quality topics.#SafeCREW…
Eurecat presents its role in SafeCREW in Catalan and Spanish
SafeCREW partner Eurecat is the main Research & Technology Organisation in Catalonia and the second largest private research organisation in southern Europe. It brings together the experience of more than 650 professionals who generate an annual turnover of 52 million euros and provides services to more than 2,000 companies. Eurecat works on SafeCREW through its…
SafeCREW – Safeguarding drinking water supply systems under climate change conditions
The DVGW research center at TUHH is coordinating the EU project SafeCREW since 1 November 2022. Partners from five countries will research on climate-resilient management for safe disinfected and non-disinfected water supply systems. They will close knowledge gaps on disinfection by-products and develop guidelines for the monitoring and management of drinking water supply. SafeCREW is…