Climate-resilient management
for safe disinfected and non-disinfected
water supply systems

DVGW Water Treatment Forum

The annual “DVGW Water Treatment Forum” is a well-known event among water supply companies and attracts large numbers of visitors. In 2024, it took place on 26 September at the TZW Karlsruhe. The event was well attended with around 90 participants. This year’s programme was dominated by questions on disinfection and the biostability of drinking water. Mathias Ernst, head of the DVGW Research Centre at TUHH, gave a 25-minute presentation on the structure and results of the SafeCREW project to date. The analytical methods developed in work package 1 for characterising NOM (fluorescence, GPC, FT-ICR-MS) and identification of very polar SFC-MS for measuring sulphonated DBPs were presented. The response to the presentation was good; a water supplier that disinfects with chlorine asked for an investigation along the process chain in order to obtain information about the concentration of sulphonated DBP present in his product. Also in the auditorium was the head of the specialized DVGW committee “disinfection” (Dr Mehling, Harzwasserwerke) with whom a further expert exchange on SafeCREW results was agreed.

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